Oh no

Saturday, March 18, 2017

So I decided to go to Home Depot, Lowes, and Sherwin Williams today (a local paint store) to ask the managers if I could film in their stores. I want the setting of my film to be in a hardware store, since the whole plot is based on that (I'll explain my entire story in detail in the next post... don't worry). Anyway, I gave the managers my contact information and I'm waiting on them to get back to me with permission to film. However, I also wanted to go to these locations to get a "feel" of what it would be like. I'm not sure if it matches exactly what I have in mind, since I want it to be a more clean and artistic; hardware stores don't exactly fit that description. But in order to fully see if my chosen location is appropriate, I'm going to film some samples this weekend and see what I can do with camera techniques and editing (I'll post the samples too). 

Here are some pictures I took at Home Depot: 

  I feel like there is an EXCESSIVE    
  amount of orange, but obviously, its Home
  Depot. There are also signs/ads 
  everywhere, which I'm not sure will take 
  away from the central idea of my film. 

This is just one section of the paint aisle in Home Depot. I don't like how there's not really a longer wall of paint selection of continuous paint swatches. It'll be difficult to make it symmetrical. 

   This is a close-up of the paint swatches. I
    actually like the name "SWATCH" for the 
    film... but for now it's just a developing 
    idea. This is the background I want for a 
    certain part of my film. Hopefully I can 
    find a location with a more continuous 
    wall. I also gathered some samples to 
    test out the kind of font I want to display 
    the titles.

Overall, I'm not sure if I want this to be my filming location, but I'll explore each option a bit further to narrow it down. Check out my next post for a sneak peek of the story, that way it will be easier to visualize. I'll also be sure to post an update once the managers get back to me!

xx Maria

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