Quick Updates

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

So today I decided to be productive and revisit Sherwin Williams, Home Depot, and Lowes for my filming location. I also sorted thorough my email to see if any of the bands responded to me about using their music.

Two good things happened today:

  1. Heard back from Spirit Ghost! They're allowing me to use their song Youth in a Garden as long as I credit them in the beginning titles and share their Facebook page. Not sure if I'll end up using the song but it's a good start! 
  2. Home Depot is allowing me to film in the store!

However,  I still have a couple of things to worry about:

  1. Sherwin Williams isn't letting me film at their store, but I still have Home Depot just in case.
  2. I haven't heard back from the rest of the bands!!!

I'll keep updating my blog to make sure everything will continue to run semi-smoothly, but for now, that's what's happening! Also, I'm filming this weekend so I'll post more about that soon.

xx Maria 

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